Downloading digital documents from external sources: scripting capabilities
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1. Overview
To correctly process the data obtained as a result of interaction with external systems within business processes, there is a need to download digital documents from external sources and store them into the registry repository.
As a solution, the implementation of a JUEL function has been considered, which enables the initiation of remote address file retrieval from the business process script tasks, and saving of the received file to the interim business process object storage for further use in generating a request to the registry data factory.
2. Actors and user roles
Registry regulations developer
3. Functional scenarios
File retrieval from a remote address and loading it into the interim business process object storage in the business process script tasks.
4. General provisions
Initiating file retrieval and storage from the business process through the JUEL function is performed by a system user
Saving files from a remote address is allowed only for service/internal use within the scope of business process execution
The size of retrievable files is limited by system-level configurations
File retrieval and storage are performed outside the business process by the Digital documents service.
Digitally stored documents through the JUEL function are subject to deletion upon completion of the business process execution
5. Technical design of the solution
This diagram illustrates the involved services and their interactions to meet the requirements. Additionally, important considerations to be taken into account within the implementation are highlighted.
Downloading digital documents from external sources requires the presence of a corresponding Istio Service Entry, which was created in automatic or manual mode. In the target solution, for retrieving files from a remote system during the BP execution, the registry’s technical administrator must preconfigure the respective external system through the admin console, following the design in Managing settings and secrets for external integrations |
5.1. API for saving a digital document from a remote address
The purpose of the API route is to retrieve a file located at a remote address within configured size constraints and subsequently save it to the Interim business process object storage.
Retrieving a file from a remote server and loading it into the object repository should be implemented using streaming and appropriate memory usage constraints for the server application. |
5.1.1. Access authorization
Non-public / for internal cross-service interaction
5.1.2. API route specification
POST /internal-api/documents/{processInstanceId}/
Header | Type | Description |
X-Access-Token |
Access token |
Parameter | Type | Request part | Description |
processInstanceId |
Text |
Request parameter |
Business process identifier for file upload |
remoteFileLocation |
Request parameter |
Remote file location for upload |
filename |
Text |
Request parameter |
File name |
Json Path | Type | Description |
$.id |
Unique identifier of the digital document generated using a pseudo-random number generator |
$.name |
Text |
Original file name |
$.type |
Text |
File content type (application/pdf, image/png, image/jpeg, etc.) |
$.checksum |
Text |
Automatically generated content hash using SHA256 algorithm |
$.size |
Numeric |
File size |
"id": "{UUID}",
"name": "{fileName}",
"type": "{contentType}",
"checksum": "{sha256}",
"size": 0
Code | Description |
201 |
Created with response body |
400 |
Malformed request |
401 |
Authentication error (access token missing) |
422 |
Validation error (invalid file size, etc.) |
500 |
Server request processing error |
5.2. System settings
Expand the configuration of the Digital documents service with additional settings:
max-remote-file-size - Limit on the file size for remote upload (default: 10MB)
6. Modeling registry regulations
6.1. Extension for modeling
The following JUEL function needs to be implemented:
save_digital_document_from_url(String remoteFileUrl, String targetFileName): DocumentMetadata
class DocumentMetadata {
String id // Unique identifier of the digital document
String name // Original file name
String type // File content type
String checksum // SHA256 hash of the file content
Long size // File size
6.2. Reference modeling examples
try {
def documentMetadata = save_digital_document_from_url("http://...", "digital-document.ext") // Temporary save file to object storage
def fileReference = [
checksum: documentMetadata.checksum
} catch (ValidationException ex) {
// File size exceeded "max-remote-file-size" value
7. Data migration during registry update
If an existing registry uses an internal API for script task-based file upload and storage, regulatory developers must transition to using the JUEL function as part of the update process.
8. High-Level development plan
8.1. Technical expertise
BE / Camunda
8.2. Development plan
Extension of the Digital documents service API with a utility route for file upload and storage
Extension / implementation of a Java client for the Digital documents service
Implementation of a JUEL function for uploading files on behalf of a system user to the Digital documents service
Development of guidelines and reference examples for regulations developers